About Me

Hi! I am Dr. Eoin Delaney, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oxford. I am excited to be working on the Trustworthiness Auditing for AI project. I mainly work on the technical side of this project with Prof. Chris Russell. However, I closely collaborate with Prof. Brent Mittelstadt and Prof. Sandra Wachter. At the moment we are working on building a toolkit for measuring and enforcing fairness for high-capacity models.

Previously I obtained my Ph.D. from University College Dublin. I worked at the Insight Centre for Data Analytics and the VistaMilk SFI research centre. My advisors were Dr. Derek Greene and Prof. Mark T. Keane.

My main research interests are in eXplainable AI (XAI) and trustworthy AI. I am especially interested in counterfactual explanations, case-based reasoning and the role of uncertainty in XAI. More generally, I enjoy machine learning, deep learning and time series prediction. I have published my research in a diverse set of conferences and workshops including IJCAI and ICML. Together with my excellent collaborators, I have also won two best paper awards. Hopefully this number will increase! I have extensive experience with several deep learning and machine learning libraries (Pytorch, Tensorflow 2.0, Tslearn, Sklearn). I also have skills in designing large scale user studies for XAI on Prolific (a better alternative to Mechanical Turk). I won the Best Application of AI in a Student Project award at the AI Ireland Awards in 2022 for my work in XAI with applications.

A recent version of my CV can be found here.

More Fun Facts

Outside of research, I enjoy travel, sport and eating good food. My profile photo is from Glacier Point in Yosemite National Park, a really cool place! I love programming and solving interesting problems. My background is in mathematics and physics. I also spent some time teaching these subjects at school and college. I am passionate about promoting computer science and mathematics to all people of all age groups! I co-designed a website for children containing lessons about various cool topics including cryptography and probability.