About Me

Hi, welcome to my academic webpage! I am a postdoc at the University of Oxford. I mainly work on the technical side of the Trustworthiness Auditing for AI project with Prof. Chris Russell but we closely collaborate with Prof. Brent Mittelstadt and Prof. Sandra Wachter. At the moment I am working on building OxonFair an open-source toolkit for measuring and enforcing fairness for high-capacity models in computer vision and NLP.

My research interests are in explainable and trustworthy AI. I publish in top machine learning journals, conferences and workshops. I have won two best paper awards. I also enjoy working on applied probelems. I won a national award for the Best Application of AI in a Student Project for my work on interpretable machine learning with applications in smart agriculture. I have extensive experience with several deep learning and machine learning libraries (Pytorch, Tensorflow 2.0, Tslearn, Sklearn). I also have skills in designing large scale user studies for XAI on Prolific.

Previously I obtained my Ph.D. from University College Dublin. I worked at the Insight Centre for Data Analytics and the VistaMilk SFI research centre. My advisors were Dr. Derek Greene and Prof. Mark T. Keane. I also spent some time at Accenture Labs collaborating with Christophe Gueret on explainable AI projects. My thesis focused on counterfactual explanations with applications in time series and computer vision. My thesis was examined by Prof. Eamonn Keogh.

I love programming and solving interesting problems (especially the difficult ones). My background is in mathematics and physics. I also spent some wonderful time teaching these subjects at school (Newpark Comprehensive School) and university. I am passionate about equality diversity and inclusion and promoting computer science and mathematics to all people of all age groups! I co-designed a website for children containing lessons about various cool topics including cryptography and probability. I have experience supervising masters and visiting Ph.D. students at the University of Oxford.

A recent version of my CV can be found here.